Grades 1 to 3 make up level 1 of the RAD’s graded syllabi. Following on from skills obtained in the Pre-Primary and Primary in Dance syllabi, Grades 1 to 3 are designed to encourage the development of sound ballet technique that is relevant for the world of ballet today. Key elements such as core stability, weight placement, turn out and line are taught as well as encouraging students’ awareness of artistry and movement dynamics. It is hoped that as well as providing a well rounded understanding of ballet, the syllabi will also promote joy in movement and enhance creative interpretation and performance.
Achievement in ballet can contribute to all areas of a students’ life aiding motor control, health and safety awareness, self-expression, physical fitness and stamina, discipline, mental ability and confidence.
Students must be a minimum of 7 years old to be entered for any level 1 examination. However as there is no upper age limit and no prerequisites for any of the graded examinations, this can be a good entry level for late starters to ballet.
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